How To Get A Life Insurance License In Alabama
1. Complete an Insurance Pre-licensing Course
Alabama no longer requires individuals to complete pre-license education to get a life insurance license there, but going through our pre-license course will greatly increase your chances of passing the state exam. Our courses are simple, easy to understand, and follow the state exam structure. Compared to other courses out there, we feel that our course has the most simplistic breakdown of your basic and advanced insurance concepts.
2. Pass the Alabama License Exam
Fee: Single Line $50 || 2 Lines $75
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Alabama licensing exams, preparing you to succeed. We believe that we give you the best chance to get a life insurance license in Alabama because of how strong our courses are.
Exam provider: University of Alabama
For exam details and scheduling, visit the University of Alabama website or call 205-348-6225
For your Alabama-specific exam outlines:
For more information on exams/testing, contact University of Alabama College of Continuing Studies:
- Phone: 205-348-5355
- Email:
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fee: $49
Schedule your fingerprinting with Fieldprint® Alabama by clicking here.
Fieldprint code: AL- Department of Insurance
4. Apply for an Alabama Life Insurance License
Once you pass the state licensing exam, you can apply for your life insurance license. Remember, your exam scores are valid for one year.
You can apply for an Alabama insurance license on NIPR’s website.
Note: You will need to provide a Proof of Citizenship AFTER completing your application on NIPR. You can find the Proof of Citizenship Form by clicking here.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Alabama insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years.

How To Get A Life Insurance License In Alaska
1. Complete A Life Insurance Pre-Licensing Course
While Alaska does not mandate prelicensing education, completing a thorough exam prep course can significantly enhance your chances of passing the life insurance licensing exam. Prepare yourself with the best preparation to ensure success on your first attempt by using our course.
2. Pass the Alaska Licensing Exam
Fee: Single or 2 lines $89
After completing a life insurance prelicensing education course you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Alaska licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-5993
3.Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fee: $48
Fingerprinting is required for your application. Schedule your fingerprinting with MorphoTrust USA™ by visiting IdentoGo or calling 844-321-2124.
4. Apply for Your Alaska Insurance License
Once you pass the state exam, you can apply to get your life insurance license. For detailed information, rules, requirements, and to apply, visit the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Resident individual licensees who have held a license for a full two-year period are required to complete 24 credit hours of continuing education.
How To Get A Life Insurance License In Arizona
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
While Arizona does not mandate prelicensing education, completing a thorough exam prep course can significantly enhance your chances of passing the insurance licensing exam. Prepare yourself with the best preparation to ensure success on your first attempt.
2. Pass the Arizona Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $38
2 line $49
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Arizona licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 800-853-5448.
3. Apply for an Arizona Insurance License
Fee: $120
Once you have passed your state licensing exam, you are ready to apply for an insurance license.
For Information, Rules and Requirements, an FAQ and to apply, please go to the NIPR website:
4. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fingerprinting is required after submitting your application.
Click here for instructions to schedule your fingerprinting.
You must also submit formL-152 to and upload under additional licensing documents to the NIPR attachment warehouse
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Every insurance producer must adhere to their home state’s CE requirements.
.Complete 48 hours of Arizona-approved insurance continuing education during the license term, which must include at least six hours of ethics training UNLESS you are exempt from the insurance continuing education requirement.
How to get Your Arkansas Insurance License
- Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Arkansas insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
- Life: 20 Hours
- Accident/Health/Sickness: 20 Hours
- Property: 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- General Adjuster: 20 Hours
- Property Adjuster: 20 Hours
- Casualty Adjuster: 20 Hours
- Workers Comp Adjuster: 20 Hours
Acceptable Methods of Education
- Classroom
- Online
Online Course Requirements
Arkansas mandates that your online study time be tracked. To complete the course successfully, you must log the required number of hours while studying in the Course Contents Units of the online course. You can monitor your study time with the online course tracker located in the upper right corner of your page.
2. Apply for Your Arkansas Insurance License
For comprehensive information, rules, requirements, and to submit your application, visit the NIPR website here.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
You must complete a Criminal Background Check. You can do this online at the following link: Arkansas Background Check.
4. Pass Your Arkansas Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $50
After completing prelicensing education you will apply for your license, get fingerprinted, and take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Arkansa licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call (833) 518-7458
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Arkansas insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your California Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the California insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Ethics and California Insurance Code: 12 Hours
- Life Insurance: 20 Hours
- Accident and Health Insurance: 20 Hours
- Life / Accident & Health Insurance: 40 Hours
- Property Insurance: 20 Hours
- Casualty Insurance: 20 Hours
- Property and Casualty Insurance: 40 Hours
- Personal Lines Insurance: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Note: The 12 hours of Ethics and California Insurance Code are not required to be repeated for multiple licenses.
Online Course Requirements:
- Time Tracking: California mandates tracking of your study time online. You must complete the required hours in the Course Contents Units. The tracker in the top right corner of your screen will help you verify your study time. You can study up to 8 hours per day.
- Biodata/Security Questions: To confirm your identity, biodata questions will be used throughout the course.
- Forced Progression: Each page of the course must be completed before moving to the next.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: Certain designations or certifications exempt you from prelicensing education for specific lines of authority:
- Life Only, Accident and Health: CLU®, LUTCF
- Fire and Casualty, Personal Lines: CPCU®, CIC, AAI
Note: Even with these exemptions, the 12-hour Ethics and California Insurance Code course is still required.
2. Pass Your California Licensing Exam
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with California licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 877-392-6422.
3. Apply for Your California Insurance License
Once you’ve passed the state exam you can apply for your license via the NIPR website.
4. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fee: varies by vendor
For fingerprinting details, visit the California Department of Insurance (CDI) website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
California insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to get Your Colorado Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Enrollment Requirements: The Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS) mandates Your Insurance License to collect and report specific student information annually. When enrolling in a Colorado prelicensing course, you’ll need to provide details like gender and race/ethnicity.
Before you can take the Colorado insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life: 50 hours
- Health: 50 hours
- Property: 50 hours
- Casualty: 50 hours
- Property & Casualty: 50 hours
- Personal Lines: 50 hours
Additionally, all applicants must complete 10 hours of training in:
- Principles of Insurance: 3 hours
- Legal Concepts and Regulations: 4 hours
- Ethics: 3 hours
Note: If applying for multiple lines of authority, the Principles of Insurance, Legal Concepts and Regulations, and Ethics training only need to be completed once.
Acceptable Methods of Education:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Live Class Requirements: Pre-Class Study (must be completed before attending the live class):
- Life & Health: 37 hours Life, 37 hours Health, plus 10 hours of Principles of Insurance, Legal Concepts, and Ethics
- Life Only: 32 hours Life, plus 10 hours of Principles of Insurance, Legal Concepts, and Ethics
- Health Only: 32 hours Health, plus 10 hours of Principles of Insurance, Legal Concepts, and Ethics
- Property & Casualty: 12 hours Property, 12 hours Casualty, plus 10 hours of Principles of Insurance, Legal Concepts, and Ethics
If already licensed in one line of authority, the 10 hours of Principles, Legal Concepts, and Ethics are waived for the second line.
In-Class Exam: An in-class graded exam is administered in Colorado to assess readiness for the state exam, requiring a 70% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.
Online Course Requirements:
- Forced progression: Users must complete each page of the online course before advancing.
- Proctor: Certification exams for self-study courses must be monitored by a disinterested third party (not a relative, friend, or business associate).
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: Individuals with certain designations or certifications are exempt from prelicensing education for specific lines of authority:
- Accident & Health or Sickness: RHU, CEBS, REBC, HIA
- Property and Casualty: AAI, ARM, CIC, CPCU®
Note: Those holding a four-year degree in insurance from an accredited institution are also exempt.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is for:
- Residents of states without adjuster licenses.
- Company adjusters in states that license only independent/public adjusters, desiring another state as their home state.
States that qualify include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
Florida All-Lines Adjuster License: To get the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident DHS Adjuster license, adjusters must obtain a Florida-approved designation or pass the state exam and meet continuing education requirements. This allows adjusting claims in Florida and states with reciprocity.
Texas Property/Casualty Adjuster License: Adjusters may choose Texas as their DHS. Your Insurance License online course includes the state exam for the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Completing the Your Insurance License Course and passing the exam qualifies adjusters to apply for their Texas license online.
2. Pass the Colorado Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line 41$
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Colorado licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For details and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call 1-800-275-8247.
3. Apply for Your Colorado Insurance License
Fee:$47 per line
Once you pass the exam, apply for a license via the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Producers in Colorado must take 24 hours of continuing education, 3 of those hours being in ethics every 2-year license term. Renewal must be done by the last day of the licensee’s birth month.
How to get Your Connecticut Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Connecticut insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Required Prelicensing Education Hours:
- Life: 20 Hours
- Accident & Health: 20 Hours
- Life/Accident & Health: 40 Hours
- Property (for Public Adjusters): 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Property/Casualty: 40 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Accepted Learning Formats:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Prelicensing Education Exemptions:
- Life: Applicants with the professional designations CEBS, ChFC®, CIC, CFP®, CLU®, FLMI, and/or LUTCF can bypass prelicensing if they provide a current Letter of Designation.
- Accident/Health: Exemptions apply for holders of CEBS, CLU®, HIA, REBC, and/or RHU with a current Letter of Designation.
- Property, Casualty, and Personal Lines: Designations like AAI, ARM, CIC, and/or CPCU® qualify for an exemption with a valid Letter of Designation.
2. Pass the Connecticut Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $65
2 line $105
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Connecticut licensing exams, preparing you to succeed
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and schedule, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 866-407-2057
3. Apply for Your Connecticut Insurance License
Once you pass the licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license.
For information, rules, and requirements, and to submit your application: Visit the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Resident Insurance Producers licensed with Life, Accident & Health or Sickness, Property, Casualty or Personal Lines authority, must complete twenty-four (24) CE credits each renewal period.
How to get your Your Delaware Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Delaware does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
2. Pass the Delaware Licensing Exam
Fee: single or double line $90
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Delaware licensing exams, preparing you to succeed
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-0455
3. Apply for Your Delaware Insurance License
After passing your exam, you can apply for your insurance license. All necessary information, rules, and the application process can be found on the NIPR website.
4.Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fingerprinting is required after submitting your application.
You will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website.
Fingerprinting code: 27S46Z
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Maintaining your insurance license requires adherence to continuing education (CE) requirements.
Resident licensees must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of Department-approved subjects during each two-year reporting period, three credits of which must be in ethics subjects. Courses may be completed in an in-person classroom setting or at your own pace online. There are no category restrictions for completing the remaining 21 credits, and licensees may complete the requirements by taking any DOI-approved courses.
By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career as a licensed insurance producer in Delaware.
How to Get Your Florida Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Florida insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life (including Annuities & Variable Contracts): 40 Hours
- Health: 40 Hours
- Health & Life (including Annuities & Variable Contracts): 60 Hours
- General Lines (Property & Casualty): 200 Hours
- Personal Lines: 60 Hours
- All-Lines Adjuster: 40 Hours
- Public Adjuster: Refer to the state requirements
Accepted Education Methods:
- Classroom
- Online
- Self-study (Proctor requirements explained below)
Online Course Requirements:
- Forced progression: You must complete each page of the course before moving on.
- Proctor: For correspondence self-study courses, the certification exam must be monitored by a disinterested third party (not a relative, friend, or business associate). Note: Online courses are not classified as correspondence self-study courses.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions:
- Health & Life (including Annuities & Variable Contracts): Applicants designated as a CLU® and engaged in the insurance business within the past four years. An original letter from the American College of Life Underwriters is required.
- General Lines (Property & Casualty) and Personal Lines: Applicants designated as a CPCU® and engaged in the insurance business within the past four years. An original letter from the American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters is required.
2. Pass Your Florida Licensing Exam
Fee: single or double line $43
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Florida licensing exams, preparing you to succeed
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam information and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call 888-274-2020.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fingerprint Vendor: IdentoGo
For scheduling, go here or call 844-321-2124.
For more information and instructions, visit the Florida CFO website.
Fingerprinting code:FL921060Z
4. Apply for a Florida Insurance License
Once you have passed your state licensing exam and went for fingerprinting, apply for your insurance license electronically through the Florida Dice portal:
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Florida insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years.
Florida insurance agents and adjusters who have been licensed less than 6 years are required to complete 24 total hours every 2 years.
After being licensed for 6 years, the CE requirement reduces to 20 total hours every 2 years
How to Get Your Georgia Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Georgia insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life: 20 Hours
- Accident & Sickness: 20 Hours
- Property: 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- Variable Products: 8 Hours plus life insurance license
- Adjuster: 40 Hours
- Public Adjuster: 40 Hours
Acceptable Methods of Education
- Classroom
- Online
Prelicensing Education Exemptions
Applicants who have earned the following designations, certifications, or degree are exempt from prelicensing education and exam requirements for the indicated lines of authority. :
- Life and Health: CLU®, FLMI
- Property & Casualty: CPCU®, CIC, CISR, CRM
- All Lines: College Degrees in Insurance
- Applicants must attach copy of applicable designation/degree to their license application to qualify for exemption.
- Successful completion of two college or university courses related to insurance in the lines of authority the applicant is applying for may also qualify for an exemption.
- Any applicants who have not completed the licensing requirements within 12 months of passing the exam will be required to retake the exam.
Alternatively, passing Your Insurance License Georgia Property & Casualty prelicensing course qualifies you to sit for the state adjuster exam. Please note, the Georgia Adjuster license is only valid in Georgia, whereas the Texas DHS Adjuster license qualifies you to produce in several additional states.
2. Pass Your Georgia Licensing Exam
Fee: single or double line $63
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Georgia licensing exams, preparing you to succeed
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-048
3. Complete your proof of citizenship
Once you have passed your state licensing exam, you are ready to complete your proof of citizenship and apply for an insurance license.
You can find your proof of citizenship form here:
You will need to print and fill out the proof of citizenship form and have it notarized. Once notarized you will submit the form with your license application
4. Apply for Georgia Insurance License
You will go here to submit your license application:
Once your application has been submitted you will upload your proof of citizenship here
You will upload it under additional licensing documents.
5. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Once your application is processed you will schedule your fingerprinting here
Note: when it prompts you for your fingerprint code select office of insurance safety fire commissioner(OIC)
6. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
24 hours every 2 years if licensed less than 20 years
20 hours every 2 years if licensed more than 20 years
For Information, Rules and Requirements, an FAQ and to apply, please go to the NIPR website:
How to Obtain Your Idaho Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Idaho does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
2. Pass Your Idaho Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $65
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Idaho licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call 866-904-4432.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Submit your fingerprints electronically at a pearsonvue testing center.
You can schedule your fingerprinting here
Fingerprinting code: InsID-FPELC
4. Apply for an Idaho Insurance License
After passing your licensing exam and completing the fingerprinting process, you are ready to apply for your insurance license. Submit your application online through Sircon or NIPR within 180 days of passing your exam. The state licensing fee is $80.
The $80 application fee applies regardless of the number of lines of authority you are applying for. During this process, you will be assigned a National Producer Number (NPN), a unique identifier used to track individuals and business entities nationwide. Many states use the NPN in place of a producer license number.
Note: If you are applying for an adjuster license, you must be at least twenty-one (21) years old and a current resident of Idaho.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
24 CE hours total, including
Ethics: 3 CE hours
How to Obtain Your Illinois Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Illinois insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Requirements
- Life Insurance: 20 Hours
- Accident/Health Insurance: 20 Hours
- Fire (Property) Insurance: 20 Hours
- Casualty Insurance: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
*Note: 7.5 of these hours must be completed in a classroom setting.
Accepted Education Methods
- Classroom Learning
Live Class Requirements
- Pre-Class Study:
- Life Only: 12.5 hours
- Health Only: 12.5 hours
- Life and Health: 25 hours
- Property Only: 12.5 hours
- Casualty Only: 12.5 hours
- Property and Casualty: 25 hours
In Illinois, a graded in-class exam is required to assess your readiness for the state exam. You must score at least 70% to receive your certificate of completion.
Exemptions for Prelicensing Education
If you hold one or more of the following certifications, you may be exempt from prelicensing education for specific lines of authority:
- Accident and Health: RHU, CEBS, REBC, HIA
- Property and Casualty: AAI, ARM, CIC, CPCU®
A college degree in insurance can also qualify for exemption.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for individuals in the following scenarios:
- Residents of states that do not license adjusters.
- Company adjusters residing in states that only license independent and/or public adjusters, who wish to designate another state as their home state.
2. Pass Your Illinois Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $92
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Illinois licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-0402
3. Apply for Your Illinois Insurance License
Once you pass your state exam, you can apply for your Illinois insurance license via the NIPR website
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Producers and Adjusters are required to complete 24 total hours every 2 years.
How to Obtain Your Indiana Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Indiana insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life & Health: 40 Hours
- Life: 20 Hours
- Health: 20 Hours
- Personal & Commercial Property and Casualty: 40 Hours
- Personal Lines Property and Casualty: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: 40 Hours
- Public Adjuster: No prelicensing education required, but an IDOI Certificate of Test Eligibility is necessary.
Accepted Methods of Education:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Online Course Requirements:
- Time Tracking: Your study time online must be tracked. To complete the course successfully, you need to spend the required number of hours in the Course Contents Units. Your progress tracker will be displayed on the top right corner of the page for reference.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: You may be exempt from prelicensing education if you hold one of the following designations or certifications: CLU®, CFP®, CFC, CPCU®, CIC, AAI. If granted a waiver, bring it to the test center on exam day. To request a waiver, email with your name (as it appears on your driver’s license), the license qualification you are applying for (Life, Accident & Health; Property & Casualty; Personal Lines; Life; or Accident & Health), and a copy of your designation certificate or degree.
2. Pass Your Indiana Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $69
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Indiana licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call 866-895-0496.
3. Apply for an Indiana Insurance License
Once you pass your state licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
An agent license with a major line of insurance requires24 hours of CE every 2 years.
Steps to Obtain Your Iowa Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Iowa does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Requirements
Iowa does not mandate prelicensing education, making it easier for you to focus on exam preparation.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for:
- Residents of states that do not license adjusters.
- Company adjusters in states that only license independent/public adjusters who want to designate another state as their home state.
Eligible states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
Obtaining an All-Lines Adjuster DHS License in Florida
Many adjusters choose the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident DHS Adjuster license to work as All-Lines Adjusters in Florida. To qualify, you need to:
- Obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam.
- Complete Florida’s biennial continuing education requirement.
This license allows adjusters to work in Florida and other states with reciprocity agreements or those accepting the Florida DHS Adjuster license.
We offer the Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation under Florida Statute §626.221, approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS). Completing the CALA course grants the Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
For more information, visit the Florida Department of Financial Services website.
Obtaining a Property-Casualty Adjuster DHS License in Texas
Some adjusters prefer to obtain the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Our online Property/Casualty Adjuster licensing course includes the state licensing exam for Texas, allowing candidates to fulfill prelicensing requirements and pass the exam online without leaving home.
Upon course completion and passing the exam, apply for the Texas P/C Adjuster license online. This license is valid in your home state and other states accepting the Texas DHS Adjuster license.
We will report your CALA designation completion to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A downloadable PDF Certificate of Completion is available immediately after passing the final exam.
Producer License Requirements
To become a licensed insurance producer in Iowa, either as a resident or non-resident, apply through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) online system.
Resident applicants must pass the Iowa producer licensing exam for their specific line of authority. Register for the exam through Pearson VUE at or call 877-540-5825.
Upon passing, your exam results will be electronically submitted to the NIPR system within three business days and remain valid for 90 days.
2. Pass Your Iowa Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $49
2 line $69
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Iowa licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 877-540-5825
3. Apply for an Iowa Insurance License
With your exam passed, you can now apply for your Iowa insurance license via the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Producers are required to complete 36 total hours every 3 years.
How to Obtain Your Kansas Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Kansas does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Kansas does not require prelicensing education.
- Although not mandatory, due to the complexity of the exams, enrolling in a study course is highly recommended.
2. Pass Your Kansas Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $57
2 line $64
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Kansas licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call (888) 204-6255.
3. Apply for a Kansas Insurance License
After passing your state licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website
4. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fee: varies by vendor.
After applying you must go for fingerprinting. Click here for instructions.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
An agent license with a major line of insurance requires 18 hours of CE every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Kentucky Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Kentucky insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
- Life Insurance: 20 Hours
- Health Insurance: 20 Hours
- Property Insurance: 20 Hours
- Casualty Insurance: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Accepted Education Methods
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Online Course Requirements
- Time Tracking: Kentucky requires tracking of online study hours. You must complete the required hours within the Course Contents Units. Your study time is displayed in the top right corner of the page.
- Forced Progression: You must complete each page of the online course before proceeding to the next.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions
If you have one of the following designations, certifications, or a relevant degree, you are exempt from the prelicensing education requirements:
- Life: CLU®, CEBS, ChFC®, CFP®, FLMI, CIC
- Property, Casualty, and Personal Lines: CPCU®, CIC, AAI, ARM
- All Lines: An insurance degree from an accredited institution
Adjuster License Requirements
All insurance adjusters in Kentucky must be licensed. If you are a resident of another state with an adjuster license, you can apply for a non-resident adjuster license through NIPR.
If your home state does not issue adjuster licenses, but you have passed an adjuster exam in another state, you can apply as a non-resident adjuster in Kentucky. Otherwise, you must apply as a resident adjuster and pass Kentucky’s exam.
Kentucky requires background checks for resident applicants. Apply for a criminal background report online at the Kentucky Court of Justice Website. Ensure you follow the specific instructions to complete your request.
Available adjuster licenses include:
- Independent Adjuster: An independent contractor or their employee who handles claims for insurers or self-insurers.
- Staff Adjuster: An employee of an insurer who handles claims on behalf of their employer.
- Public Adjuster: A person representing insured individuals, soliciting business, and advising on insurance claims.
Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Licensed in Kentucky
What are the requirements for Kentucky residents?
- Complete 20 hours of pre-licensing training for each major line of authority.
- Ensure the Department of Insurance has your Certificate of Completion on file.
- Apply for a criminal background report through the KY Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and submit it to the DOI.
What are the requirements for Kentucky non-residents?
- Hold the same class of license and line of authority in your home state.
- Apply as a non-resident initial license applicant at NIPR.
Does the DOI review criminal history prior to application submission?
- No, the DOI reviews criminal history only after the application is submitted.
2.Request your background check
After completing your course you will request your background check here
You will email it to:
3. Apply for a Kentucky Insurance License
In order to schedule the state exam, first you need to submit your application via the NIPR website (wait 5 days for application to be processed)
4. Pass Your Kentucky Licensing Exam
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Kentucky licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Kentucky Department of Insurance
You will create an individual license account and schedule your exam through the KY Eservices portal here
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Kentucky insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Louisiana Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Louisiana does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
2. Pass Your Louisiana Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $30
2 line $53
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Louisiana licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 800-733-9267.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
All first-time individual resident producer adjuster, and consultant applicants must be fingerprinted before applying for your license.
You will go for fingerprinting at a PSI test center. See fingerprinting instructions here.
4. Apply for a Louisiana Insurance License
Once you have passed your state licensing exam and get fingerprinted, you are ready to apply for an insurance license.
You will apply for your license via the NIPR website.
For Information, Rules and Requirements, an FAQ and to apply, please go to the NIPR website:
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Louisiana insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Maine Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Maine does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
2. Pass the Maine Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $55
2 line $80
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Maine licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call (207) 464-4425
3. Apply for Your Maine Insurance License
After passing the state exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Maine insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Maryland Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Maryland insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life: 20 Hours
- Accident and Health: 20 Hours
- Property: 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
Live Class Requirements:
- Pre-class study (must be completed before attending the live class): 8 hours (Life & Health)
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: Certain individuals may qualify for a waiver from the prelicensing education requirements if they hold any of the following designations or certifications:
- Property or Casualty: AAI, ARM, CIC, CPCU®
- Life: CLU®, CEBS, ChFC®, CIC, CFP®, FLMI, LUTCF, Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
- Health: RHU, CEBS, HIA, REBC
Candidates with an approved waiver have a specified period to pass the Maryland licensing exam. Currently, this period is one year, but effective October 1, 2018, it will be reduced to six months. If the exam is not passed within this period, the candidate must retake the prelicensing course and reapply for the exam. The Prelicensing Education Waiver Application form can be found on the Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) website.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements: The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for:
- Residents of states that do not license adjusters.
- Company adjusters from states that only license independent or public adjusters and wish to designate another state as their home state.
Eligible states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Get an All-Lines Adjuster DHS License in Florida: Many adjusters choose to obtain the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license, which allows them to adjust claims in Florida and other states that have reciprocity with Florida. To qualify, adjusters must:
- Obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam.
- Complete Florida’s biennial continuing education requirements.
The Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation course offered by our company meets these requirements, enabling candidates to receive their Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam. More details can be found on the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) website.
How to Get a Property-Casualty Adjuster DHS License in Texas: Some adjusters choose to designate Texas as their home state and obtain the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Our online course includes the state licensing exam, allowing candidates to fulfill their prelicensing requirements and pass the state exam without leaving home. Successful candidates can then apply for their Texas P/C Adjuster license online. Details are available on the Texas State Requirements page.
Completion Reporting: We will automatically report your completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A PDF Certificate of Completion is also available for immediate download after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your Maryland Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $60
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Maryland licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 800-610-1174
3. Apply for a Maryland Insurance License
After passing the state exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
Visit the NIPR website for information on rules, requirements, and to complete your application: NIPR Maryland Licensing
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Maryland insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Massachusetts Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Massachusetts does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
Massachusetts does not require any prelicensing education hours. However, the difficulty of the licensing exam makes enrolling in a prep course a wise decision.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for individuals who reside in states that either do not license adjusters or only license independent or public adjusters. The states that qualify include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Obtain an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State License in Florida
Many adjusters choose to get the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident DHS Adjuster license to work as All-Lines Adjusters. To qualify, one must either complete a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster exam, alongside meeting Florida’s continuing education requirements. The Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation from Your Insurance License allows you to receive your Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
For more details, visit the Florida Department of Financial Services.
How to Obtain a Property-Casualty Adjuster Designated Home State License in Texas
Adjusters may also designate Texas as their DHS and obtain the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License online course includes the state licensing exam, enabling candidates to fulfill the Texas prelicensing requirement and pass the licensing exam online. Upon completion, adjusters can apply for their Texas P/C Adjuster license and adjust claims in states accepting the Texas DHS Adjuster license.
Completion Reporting
Your Insurance License will report the completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A PDF Certificate of Completion is available for immediate download after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your Massachusetts Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $39
2 line $49
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Massachusetts licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 800-741-9380
3. Apply for Massachusetts Insurance License
Once you have passed your state licensing exam, you are ready to apply for an insurance license via the NIPR website.
For Information, Rules and Requirements, an FAQ and to apply, please go to the NIPR website:
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Any person holding a resident producer license is required prior to the initial renewal date of producer license to satisfactorily complete approved CE courses or programs of instruction or attend seminars equivalent to a minimum of sixty hours (60) of instruction. You are required to take three (3) CE hours in MA approved Ethic
How to Obtain Your Michigan Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Michigan insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
- Life & Health: 40 Hours (34 hours on life and health insurance principles)
- Life: 20 Hours (14 hours on life insurance principles)
- Accident & Health: 20 Hours (14 hours on health insurance principles)
- Property & Casualty: 40 Hours (34 hours of property and liability insurance principles)
- Property: 20 Hours (14 hours on property insurance principles)
- Casualty: 20 Hours (14 hours on liability insurance principles)
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours (14 hours of property and liability insurance principles)
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Note: The above hours include the required 6 hours of professional ethics and Michigan insurance laws.
Important Pre-study Requirements
For Life and Accident & Health Accelerated Courses, a combination of pre-study and classroom attendance is required. A set number of pre-study hours must be completed before attending the class.
Acceptable Methods of Education
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Live Class Requirements
Pre-Class Study (for Accelerated Courses ONLY, must be completed prior to attending the live class):
- Life & Health: 16 total hours (8 hours Life, 8 hours Health)
- Health Only: 8 Hours
- Life Only: 8 Hours
- Property & Casualty: 16 Hours (8 hours Property, 8 hours Casualty)
An in-class graded exam is required for Life & Health and Property & Casualty Accelerated classes, which must be passed with a score of 70% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.
Online Course Requirements
- Forced progression: This requires successful completion of each page of the course before moving on to the next.
Exam and/or Prelicensing Education Exemptions
Prelicensing requirements can be waived for candidates with certain designations, certifications, or college credits, such as CLU®, CPCU®, RHU, ARM, CFP®, AAI, ChFC®, CIC, FLMI, REBC, LUTCF, HIA, CEBS, or specific insurance-related college credits. Candidates must provide proof of these qualifications to the Michigan DIFS before the exam.
Out-of-State Testing
Out-of-state testing sites are available. For more information, review the document here: Out-of-State Testing Sites.
Adjuster License Requirements
All insurance adjusters in Michigan must be licensed. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance for details on obtaining an adjuster license.
Certificate of Completion Requirements
Certificates of completion are valid for 12 months from the course completion date and do not need to be presented at the exam site.
2. Pass Your Michigan Licensing Exam
Fee:single or 2 line $41
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Michigan licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 855-579-4639.
3. Apply for a Michigan Insurance License
Fee:$10 per line
After passing your licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license.
For more information, rules, requirements, and to apply, visit the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Michigan insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Minnesota Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Michigan insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
- Life: 20 Hours
- Accident & Health: 20 Hours
- Property: 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
All courses include 10 hours of Prelicense Insurance Basics.
Acceptable Methods of Education
- Classroom
- Online
Live Class Requirements
To meet Minnesota’s prelicensing education requirements, you must attend all live class sessions and pass an in-class certification exam with a score of at least 70%. Completing all prelicensing education requirements is necessary to receive a certificate of completion.
Online Course Requirements
- Time Tracking: Minnesota requires forced progression, meaning you must complete each page of the online course before proceeding. The state also requires tracking of your online study time. For instance, if your course requires 20 hours of study, you must spend at least 20 hours on it. Your online course tracker will display the time spent.
Note: If you spend more time than required on a unit, the extra time will not count toward other units. Also, inactivity for 10 minutes will log you out, but your progress will be saved. - Proctoring: Minnesota requires exams to be monitored by a proctor, defined as someone who verifies a student’s identity and confirms no outside assistance was provided. The proctor must be 18 years or older, with no conflicts of interest, and cannot be a relative, supervisor, or co-student. The proctor must submit a signed affidavit to the education provider’s approved Education Coordinator immediately after the exam.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions
The following are exempt from the prelicense education requirement:
- A two-year Minnesota vocational school degree in insurance
- A four-year college degree in business with an insurance emphasis
- Life applicants with designations: CEBS, ChFC®, CIC, CFP®, CLU®, FLMI, or LUTCF
- Health applicants with designations: RHU, CEBS, REBC, or HIA
- Property, Casualty, or Personal Lines P & C applicants with designations: AAI, ARM, CIC, or CPCU®
Adjuster License Requirements
All insurance adjusters in Minnesota must be licensed. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance for details on obtaining an adjuster license.
2. Pass Your Minnesota Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $45
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Minnesota licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 866-589-3088.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your exam you must be fingerprinted at a PSI testing center. Please visit the PSI website for details.
4. Apply for a Minnesota Insurance License
After passing your licensing exam and fingerprinting you can apply for your license via the NIPR website
For more information, rules, requirements, and to apply, visit the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Minnesota insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Mississippi Insurance License
- Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Mississippi insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life Insurance: 20 Hours
- Accident & Health Insurance: 20 Hours
- Life / Accident & Health Insurance: 40 Hours
- Property Insurance: 20 Hours
- Casualty Insurance: 20 Hours
- Property / Casualty Insurance: 40 Hours
- Personal Lines Insurance: 20 Hours
- Property & Casualty Adjuster with Workers Comp: 20 Hours
- Variable Life / Variable Annuity*: No prelicensing education required, but a Series 6 or Series 7 FINRA certification is necessary.
Acceptable Methods of Education:
- Classroom Instruction
- Online Learning
- Self-study Programs
Online Course Requirements:
- Time Tracking: Mississippi mandates tracking of online study time. To complete the course, you must meet the required hours in the online course units. Your progress tracker, displayed in the upper right corner of your screen, helps you monitor your study time.
- Forced Progression: You must successfully complete each page of the online course to proceed to the next.
- Proctoring: A third-party proctor is required for the final online pre-licensing exam.
2. Pass the Mississippi Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $52
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Mississippi licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Pearson VUE
For exam details and scheduling Visit the Pearson VUE website or call 888-293-4222.
3. Apply for Your Mississippi Insurance License
After passing the state exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For more information, rules, requirements, and to apply: Visit the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
For Licenses in effect for 13-18 months: 12 hours of continuing education is required prior to the expiration date.
For Licenses in effect for 19-24 months: 24 hours of continuing education including three hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Missouri Insurance License
- Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Missouri does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
Designated Home State (DHS) Adjuster License:
- Available to residents of states that do not license adjusters or to company adjusters residing in states that only license independent/public adjusters and wish to designate another state as their home state.
- Qualifying states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
Obtaining an All-Lines Adjuster DHS License in Florida:
- Many adjusters choose the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident DHS Adjuster license. This requires completing a Florida-approved adjuster designation or passing the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam and fulfilling Florida’s biennial CE requirement.
- The Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation from Your Insurance License, approved by Florida DFS, allows you to obtain the 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
Obtaining a Property-Casualty Adjuster DHS License in Texas:
- Some adjusters opt for the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License online course includes the state licensing exam, enabling you to complete the prelicensing requirement and exam from home. Successful completion allows you to adjust in Texas and other states recognizing the Texas DHS Adjuster license.
Completion Reporting
- Your Insurance License Will report your CALA designation completion to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A PDF Certificate of Completion is available immediately after passing the final exam.
2.Pass the Missouri Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $29
2 line $35
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Missouri licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam information and scheduling: Visit the PearsonVUE website or call 866-274-4740.
3.Apply for a Missouri Insurance License
After passing your exam, you can apply for your license via the NIPR website.
Resident Producer Licensing Application & Requirements: Missouri Department of Insurance
4.Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Missouri insurance agents must complete 16 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Montana Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Montana does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Requirements
Montana does not mandate prelicensing education. However, considering the complexity of the exams, it is highly advisable to take a study course to ensure you are well-prepared.
Approved Education Methods:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Adjuster License Requirements
In Montana, all insurance adjusters must be licensed. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance to understand the requirements for obtaining an adjuster license.
2. Pass the Montana Licensing Exam
Fee: Single or 2 line $59
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Montana licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVue
For detailed exam information and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call 800-274-8906.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Ensure you complete the fingerprinting process as required for insurance licensing. See instructions here.
4. Apply for a Montana Insurance License
Once you have passed your licensing exam and completed your fingerprinting, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Montana insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Nebraska Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Nebraska does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Adjuster Licensing Criteria
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for:
- Residents of states that do not license adjusters.
- Company adjusters residing in states that only license independent or public adjusters and wish to designate another state as their home state.
Eligible states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Obtain an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State License in Florida
To qualify for the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license:
- Obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state examination.
- Fulfill Florida’s biennial continuing education requirements.
With this license, adjusters can work on claims in Florida and states with adjuster reciprocity with Florida. Your Insurance License Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation allows licensees to bypass the state exam.
For more information, visit the Florida Department of Financial Services.
How to Obtain a Property-Casualty Adjuster Designated Home State License in Texas
Many adjusters choose Texas as their Designated Home State (DHS) for licensing. Your Insurance License offers an online Property/Casualty Adjuster licensing course that includes the state licensing exam. Complete the course, pass the exam, and you can apply for your Texas P/C Adjuster license remotely.
Upon course completion, Your Insurance License will report your Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A downloadable PDF Certificate of Completion is also available immediately after passing the final exam.
2. Pass the Nebraska Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $43
2 line $47
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Nebraska licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call (833) 333-4754
3. Apply for a Nebraska Insurance License
After passing your state licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website. This site provides all the necessary information, rules, requirements, and an FAQ section.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Nebraska insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Nevada Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Nevada does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Recommendations
While Nevada does not require prelicensing education, preparing with a structured course significantly boosts your chances of passing the state exam on your first attempt. Our courses are tailored to help you succeed.
2. Successfully Pass Your Nevada Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $39
2 line $49
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Nevada licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider Details
Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-2609.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fee: varies by vendor
After passing your exam you may now schedule your fingerprinting with a NV approved Vendor.
4. Apply for Your Nevada Insurance License
After passing your exam, the next step is to apply for your license. You can find detailed information on rules, requirements, and the application process on the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Nevada insurance agents must complete 30 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
New Hampshire
How to Obtain Your New Hampshire Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although New Hampshire does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
New Hampshire does not require specific prelicensing education hours. However, due to the complexity of the exams, completing a study course is strongly advised.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions
Candidates holding certain designations or certifications may only need to pass the applicable Insurance Laws and Regulations exam for their desired insurance lines:
- CLU® Designees:
- Life License: Pass the NH Life Insurance Laws and Regulations exam.
- Accident and Health License: Pass the NH Accident and Health Insurance Laws and Regulations exam.
- Life, Accident, and Health License: Pass the NH Life, Accident and Health Insurance Laws and Regulations exam.
- CPCU® Designees:
- Property and Casualty License: Pass the New Hampshire Property & Casualty Insurance Laws and Regulations exam.
Adjuster License Requirements
All insurance adjusters in New Hampshire must be licensed. Check with your resident state’s Department of Insurance for details on obtaining an adjuster license.
Note: This information is based on current state laws and regulations and is subject to change. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, it is recommended to verify this information independently.
2. Pass Your New Hampshire Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $50
2 line $65
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with New Hampshire licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 800-869-6603.
3. Apply for Your New Hampshire Insurance License
After passing your exam you will submit your license application via the NIPR website.
For detailed information, rules, requirements, and to apply, visit the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
New Hampshire insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
New Jersey
How to Obtain Your New Jersey Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the New Jersey insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Combined Life and Health: 40 Hours
- Life: 20 Hours
- Health: 20 Hours
- Combined Property and Casualty: 40 Hours
- Property: 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines, Property and Casualty: 20 Hours
- Title: 20 Hours
- Surplus Lines: None
- Limited Lines, Bail Bonds: 10 Hours
Acceptable Methods of Education:
- Classroom (Traditional or Live Online)
- Self-study
- Online
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: Certain designations or certifications can waive the prelicensing education requirements for specific lines of authority. Note that you must apply for your license within one year of passing the exam.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available to individuals in states that either do not license adjusters or only license independent/public adjusters. Eligible states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Obtain an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State License in Florida
Many adjusters choose to obtain a Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license. This license requires passing the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam or obtaining a Florida-approved adjuster designation and completing Florida’s biennial continuing education requirement. The Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation, offered by Your Insurance License, allows prospective licensees to obtain the Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
Requirements for Florida 70-20 DHS Adjuster License: Florida DHS Adjuster Licensing Requirements
How to Obtain a Property-Casualty Adjuster Designated Home State License in Texas
Adjusters can also designate Texas as their home state and obtain the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License online Property/Casualty Adjuster course includes the Texas state licensing exam, allowing candidates to complete their prelicensing and licensing exam requirements online. Successful completion enables adjusters to apply for their Texas P/C Adjuster license remotely.
Completion Reporting: Your Insurance License reports your completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A PDF Certificate of Completion is available immediately after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your New Jersey Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $38
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with New Jersey licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 877-526-6833
3. Apply for a New Jersey Insurance License
After passing your state licensing exam, the next step is to apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For Information, Rules, Requirements, and Applications: NIPR New Jersey Resident Licensing
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Note: do not schedule your fingerprinting until you have submitted your application
You will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website.
Producer code: 2F16Y3
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
New Jersey insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics
New Mexico
How to Obtain Your New Mexico Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although New Mexico does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements While New Mexico does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a study course is highly recommended due to the complexity of the exam.
Preferred Methods of Education:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Adjuster License Requirements For those pursuing an adjuster license, all insurance adjusters in New Mexico must be licensed. Consult the Department of Insurance in your resident state for specific licensing procedures.
2. Pass Your New Mexico Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $75
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with New Mexico licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 1-855-427-5674
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Vendor: Identogo
Schedule to get your fingerprinting done on the Identogo website.
Fingerprinting code:NM920210Z
4. Apply for a New Mexico Insurance License
After passing your state licensing exam and fingerprinting, apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For rules, requirements, and the application process, visit: NIPR Licensing Center
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
New Mexico insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
New York
How to Obtain Your New York Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the New York insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life, Accident & Health: 40 Hours (at least 20 classroom hours for live class approval)
- Life Only: 20 Hours (at least 10 classroom hours for live class approval)
- Accident & Health Only: 20 Hours (at least 10 classroom hours for live class approval)
- Property & Casualty: 96 Hours (at least 90 classroom hours for live class approval)
- Personal Lines: 43 Hours (at least 40 classroom hours for live class approval)
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Acceptable Methods of Education:
- Classroom (Traditional or Live Online)
- Online
Live Class Requirements:
- Pre-Class Study: Must be completed before attending the live class. 10 hours for Life only and Health only classes (20-hour classes); 20 hours for Life & Health classes (40-hour classes)
- In-Class Exam: In New York, an in-class exam is required for the Life & Health class to assess readiness for the state exam. A minimum score of 70% is required to receive a certificate of completion, with the exam completed in a single sitting within a 90-minute time frame.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: Candidates with specific designations or certifications are exempt from prelicensing education requirements and Part 1 of the exam. For licensing:
- CLU® Designees: Only need to take the Life & Health Laws and Regulations exam.
- CPCU® Designees: Only need to take the Property & Casualty Laws and Regulations exam.
2. Pass the New York Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $33
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with New York licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 1-877-526-683
3. Apply for a New York Insurance License
Once you pass the licensing exam, you need to submit your license application to the NY Department of insurance here.
For Information, Rules, and Requirements:
- Visit the NIPR website
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
New York insurance agents must complete 13 hours of continuing education credits every 2 years.
North Carolina
How to Obtain Your North Carolina Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the North Carolina insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Requirements:
- Life Insurance: 20 Hours
- Accident and Health or Sickness: 20 Hours
- Property Insurance: 20 Hours
- Casualty Insurance: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines Insurance: 20 Hours
- Medicare Supplement / Long-Term Care: 10 Hours (Requires a license in Accident and Health or Sickness)
- Adjuster: No prelicensing education required
Acceptable Education Methods:
- Classroom Instruction
- Self-Study
- Online Courses
Note: Self-study and online courses must follow specific rules to receive prelicensing credit. This includes the final course exam being monitored by an impartial third party, defined by North Carolina as someone with no vested interest in the exam outcome.
Live Class Requirements:
In North Carolina, live classes for Life & Health include an in-class exam. A score of 70% or higher is required to earn a certificate of completion.
Online Course Requirements:
- Time Tracking: Your online study time must be tracked. You are allowed a maximum of 8 hours of instruction per day. Completion of the required hours in the Course Contents Units is necessary.
- Forced Progression: You must complete each page of the online course before moving to the next.
- Bio-data/Security Questions: To confirm your identity, bio-data questions must be answered correctly.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions:
Certain professional designations can exempt you from prelicensing education if you pass the exam on the first attempt. If you fail, prelicensing education is required before retaking the exam:
- Life Insurance: CIC, CEBS, CFP®
- Accident and Health or Sickness: RHU, CEBS, REBC, HIA
- Property, Casualty, Personal Lines: AAI, ARM, CIC
A degree in insurance (associate or bachelor’s) can also waive the prelicensing requirement. To receive a waiver, submit a written request.
Adjuster License Requirements:
All insurance adjusters in North Carolina must be licensed. Contact your state’s Department of Insurance for more information.
2. Apply for the North Carolina Insurance License
Fee:$135(includes exam)
Once you complete your prelicensing course you will submit your license application via the NIPR website
After you submit your application you will receive an email with instructions to schedule your state exam.
3. Pass Your North Carolina Licensing Exam
Fee:Included in application with NIPR
After completing prelicensing education and applying for your license you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with North Carolina licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
- Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-0668.
4. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
- Print the Fingerprint Submission Packet-Releases forms from the NIPR email link after submitting your license application.
- Contact local law enforcement to arrange for fingerprinting. Ensure they provide Livescan fingerprints for non-criminal purposes.
- Bring the form packet and a photo ID to the law enforcement agency for digital fingerprints. Complete pages 1 and 3 of the packet, and have the officer sign page 2.
- Send the completed forms to the North Carolina Licensing Office of Pearson VUE via:
- Fax: 888-959-3010
- Email:
- Mail: NCDOI/Pearson VUE, PO Box 14209, Raleigh, NC 27620
Note: The SBI Release Form must be signed and submitted to Pearson VUE.
used to track licenses nationwide.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
North Carolina insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
North Dakota
How to Obtain Your North Dakota Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although North Dakota does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- North Dakota does not have specific prelicensing education requirements. However, the complexity of the exams makes a prep course advisable.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements:
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for:
- Residents of states that do not license adjusters.
- Company adjusters in states that only license independent or public adjusters who wish to designate another state as their home state.
States qualifying under these criteria include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
Obtaining an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State License in Florida:
Many adjusters obtain the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license to work in Florida and other states with reciprocity agreements. This requires either:
- A Florida-approved adjuster designation, or
- Passing the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam and completing Florida’s continuing education requirements.
Your Insurance License offers the Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation, approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS). Completing the CALA course allows you to receive the Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
For more information on the Florida 70-20 DHS Adjuster license, visit the Florida DFS licensing page.
Obtaining a Property-Casualty Designated Home State License in Texas:
Some adjusters prefer to designate Texas as their home state. Your Insurance License online Property/Casualty Adjuster licensing course includes the state exam for the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Completing the Your Insurance License Course and passing the exam enables you to apply for the Texas P/C Adjuster license online.
Your Insurance License will report your completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. A PDF Certificate of Completion is also available for immediate download after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your North Dakota Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $64
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with North Dakota Licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
- Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call (855) 340-3905
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing the exam you will get fingerprinted at a PSI testing center. See instructions here.
4. Apply for Your North Dakota Insurance License
After passing the licensing exam and getting fingerprinted, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
North Dakota insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Ohio Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Ohio insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Requirements:
- Life Insurance: 20 Hours
- Accident & Health Insurance: 20 Hours
- Property Insurance: 20 Hours
- Casualty Insurance: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines Insurance: 20 Hours
Note: Variable Life/Variable Annuity insurance does not require prelicensing education but does require FINRA Series 6 or Series 7 certification.
Education Formats:
- Classroom
- Self-Study
- Online Courses
Note: Self-study and online courses require you to pass a certification exam. Upon registration, you’ll receive a Prelicensing Education Student Registration Form, which must be completed and returned according to the provided instructions.
Online Course Details:
- Forced Progression: You must successfully complete each page before moving to the next.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions: You may be exempt from prelicensing education if you have the following qualifications:
- Life, Accident & Health Insurance: CLU® designation.
- Property, Casualty, and Personal Lines Insurance: CPCU® designation.
- All Major Lines (except Surety Bail Bond): An Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree with a major in Insurance.
Note: Verification must be provided to the Ohio Department of Insurance, and you must receive an education waiver before testing. Each waiver is valid for 180 days and must be presented on the exam day.
Adjuster Licensing: If you live in a state that does not license adjusters, or if you are a company adjuster residing in a state that only licenses independent/public adjusters and want to designate another state as your home state, you can apply for a Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license. States that qualify include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Obtain an All-Lines Adjuster License in Florida: To get the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license, you must either obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster exam and meet the continuing education requirements. This license allows you to adjust claims in Florida and all states with adjuster reciprocity with Florida.
Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) Designation: Offered by Your Insurance License, this designation meets Florida’s licensing requirements, allowing you to obtain your Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam. Completion of this course automatically reports your certification to the Florida DFS.
How to Obtain a Property-Casualty Adjuster License in Texas: Some adjusters choose to designate Texas as their home state. Your Insurance License online Property/Casualty Adjuster licensing course includes the state licensing exam, enabling you to meet Texas’s prelicensing requirements and pass the licensing exam online.
2. Pass Your Ohio Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $43
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Ohio licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 855-807-3995
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your state exam you can schedule your fingerprinting here.
You must request a state and FBI background check.
BCI/FBI code is 3905 051
4. Apply for an Ohio Insurance License
Once you pass your state exam and go for fingerprinting, you can apply for your Ohio insurance license via the NIPR website.
For rules, requirements, and to apply, visit the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Ohio insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Oklahoma Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Oklahoma licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Education Methods:
- Classroom Instruction
- Self-Study Programs
- Online Courses
2. Pass Your Oklahoma Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $38
Although Oklahoma does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Exam provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call (833) 333-4754
3. Apply for an Oklahoma Insurance License
After passing your state licensing exam, the next step is to apply for your Oklahoma insurance license via the NIPR website.
For detailed information and to apply, visit the Oklahoma Department of Insurance (OK DOI) website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Oklahoma insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics and 2 hours of legislative updates.
How to Obtain Your Oregon Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Oregon Insurance
Before you can take the Oregon insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
- County of Residence
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Veteran Status
- Disability Status
- National Origin
To pursue an insurance license in Oregon, you must complete prelicensing education before sitting for the state licensing exam. Our prelicensing courses are designed to maximize your success rate, as evidenced by our industry-leading pass rates.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life: 20 Hours
- Health: 20 Hours
- Property: 20 Hours
- Casualty: 20 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Acceptable Methods of Education:
- Classroom (Traditional or Live Online)
- Online
Online Course Requirements:
- Forced Progression: You must successfully complete each page of the online course before moving on to the next.
- Bio-data/Security Questions: To ensure the correct individual completes the course, you must answer security questions correctly.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions:
You are exempt from prelicensing education if you hold the following designations:
- Life, Health, or Life and Health: CLU® designation
- Property and/or Casualty: CPCU® designation
For exemptions, contact the Insurance Division for waivers. If granted, bring the original waiver letter to the test center on exam day. Submit verification of your designation with your license application.
2. Pass Your Oregon Licensing Exam
Fee:Single line $45
2 line $55
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Oregon licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call (833) 333-4754
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your exam you will get your fingerprinting done at a PSI testing center. See instructions here.
Fingerprinting and background check information can be found on the Oregon Insurance Industry Website.
4. Apply for an Oregon Insurance License
After passing your exam and getting your fingerprinting done you can now apply for your license via the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Oregon insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Pennsylvania Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Pennsylvania insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Requirements:
- Total Hours: 24 hours of approved courses, including at least 3 hours in ethics.
- Specific Lines:
- Life/Accident and Health: 24 Hours
- Life: 24 Hours
- Accident and Health: 24 Hours
- Property/Casualty: 24 Hours
- Property: 24 Hours
- Casualty: 24 Hours
- Personal Lines: 24 Hours
Approved Methods:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Online Course Requirements:
- Forced Progression: You must complete each page before moving to the next.
Exemptions: Certain professional designations may exempt you from prelicensing education and exams:
- CLU® for Life or Accident and Health
- CPCU® for Property, Casualty, or Accident and Health
- CIC for Life, Accident and Health, or Property and Casualty
Adding a new line of authority to an existing license does not require additional prelicensing education.
Note: You must submit your license application within one year of passing the exam.
Adjuster Licensing
Designated Home State (DHS) Adjuster License: This license is available if you live in a state that does not license adjusters or if you’re a company adjuster in a state that only licenses independent/public adjusters and want to designate another state as your home state. Eligible states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
Florida DHS Adjuster License: To get an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State license in Florida, you must obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster exam and complete the biennial continuing education requirement. The Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation course can qualify you for the 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
Texas DHS Adjuster License: Some adjusters choose to designate Texas as their home state. Our online Property/Casualty Adjuster course includes the state licensing exam, allowing you to complete everything from home. After passing, you can apply for the Texas P/C Adjuster license online.
Completion Reporting: Your Insurance License will report your completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. You can also download and print a Certificate of Completion immediately after passing the final exam.
State Reporting Fees: Pennsylvania charges state reporting fees, which apply when taking your Certification Exam. These fees are additional to taxes, shipping, handling, and do not apply to the Premium Package.
2. Pass the Pennsylvania Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $43
2 line $53
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Pennsylvania licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call: (800) 733-9267
3. Apply for a Pennsylvania Insurance License
Once you pass your state exam you can apply for your license via the NIPR website.
For rules, requirements, FAQs, and to apply, visit the NIPR website.
4. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Fee: $55
Once your application has been submitted you may schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website.
Fingerprinting Code:1KG8GJ
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Pennsylvania insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
Rhode Island
How to Obtain Your Rhode Island Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Rhode Island does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements: Applicants for a resident insurance license in Rhode Island are not mandated to complete a prelicensing course for the lines of authority they are applying for. However, due to the challenging nature of the exam, it is highly advisable to undertake a study course.
Recommended Methods of Education:
- Traditional Classroom or Live Online
- Self-Study
- Online Courses
Adjuster License Requirements: If you are aiming to become an insurance adjuster, note that a license is required. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance to understand the specific requirements and steps for obtaining an adjuster license.
2. Pass Your Rhode Island Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $80
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Rhode Island licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Pearson VUE
For detailed exam information and scheduling, visit the Pearson VUE website or call 800-274-3739.
3. Apply for a Rhode Island Insurance License
After successfully passing your licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For detailed information, rules, requirements, and the application process, visit the NIPR website.
4. Obtain your background check
Obtain your BCI background report from the RI Attorney General’s office here (the report is valid for 30 days).
Send your BCI to: along with your NIPR transaction number.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Rhode Island insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
Note: Rhode Island does not require Adjusters to complete insurance continuing education.
South Carolina
How to Obtain Your South Carolina Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although South Carolina does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Pre-Licensing Education Hour Requirements
South Carolina does not mandate pre-licensing education. However, due to the challenging nature of the exam, it is highly recommended to enroll in a study course.
Acceptable Methods of Education
- Classroom (Traditional and Live Online)
- Self-study
- Online
2. Pass Your South Carolina Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $59
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with South Carolina licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Pearson VUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call : 877-759-5226
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your state exam you will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website.
Fingerprinting code:SC920124Z
4. Apply for a South Carolina Insurance License
Once you have passed the licensing exam and went for fingerprinting, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For information on rules, requirements, FAQs, and to apply, visit the NIPR website: NIPR South Carolina Resident Licensing Individual
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
South Carolina insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
Note: South Carolina does not require Adjusters to complete insurance continuing education.
South Dakota
How to obtain Your South Dakota Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although South Dakota does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Recommended Education Methods:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
If you are in a state that does not license adjusters or if you are a company adjuster in a state that only licenses independent or public adjusters, you can obtain a Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license. States applicable under these conditions include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
Getting an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State License in Florida
For those seeking to become an All-Lines Adjuster in Florida, the 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license is a common choice. To qualify, you must:
- Obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation
- Pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam
- Fulfill Florida’s biennial continuing education requirements
This license allows adjusters from the states mentioned above to handle claims in Florida and in states with adjuster reciprocity agreements with Florida.
Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) Designation
Your Insurance License offers the CALA designation, which, once completed, exempts you from taking the Florida state licensing exam. This designation is recognized under Florida Statute §626.221 and approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS).
Getting a Property-Casualty Adjuster Designated Home State License in Texas
Alternatively, you can choose Texas as your Designated Home State and obtain the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License online course includes the state licensing exam, allowing you to meet prelicensing requirements and pass the exam from home. Successful completion of the Your Insurance License course and exam enables you to apply for your Texas P/C Adjuster license online, qualifying you to adjust claims in both Texas and any state that recognizes the Texas DHS Adjuster license.
Completion Reporting
Your Insurance License reports the completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. You can also download and print a PDF Certificate of Completion immediately after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your South Dakota Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $85
2 line $95
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with South Dakota licensing exams, preparing you to succeed..
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 888-873-6205
3. Apply for a South Dakota Insurance License
Once you pass your state exam you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For information on rules, requirements, FAQs, and to apply, visit the NIPR website: Visit the NIPR website
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
South Dakota insurance agents must complete Continuing Education credits every 2 years:
- Life/Health only – 10 hours
- Property/Casualty only – 10 hours
- Life/Health and Property/Casualty – 10 hours Life/Health and 10 hours Property/Casualty
- Crop only – 4 hours
- Crop and Life/Health – 2 hours Crop and 8 hours Life/Health
- Crop and Property/Casualty – 2 hours Crop and 8 hours Property/Casualty
- Crop, Property/Casualty and Life/Health – 2 hours Crop, 8 hours Property/Casualty and 10 hours Life/Health
How to obtain Your Tennessee Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Tennessee does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for:
- Residents of states that do not license adjusters.
- Company adjusters residing in states that only license independent and/or public adjusters, who wish to designate another state as their home state.
States qualifying under these criteria include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Obtain an All-Lines Adjuster Designated Home State License in Florida
Many adjusters opt for the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license to become All-Lines Adjusters in Florida. To qualify, you must either obtain a Florida-approved adjuster designation or pass the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state examination, and meet Florida’s biennial continuing education requirements.
The 70-20 license permits company and independent adjusters from qualifying states to handle claims in Florida, states with adjuster reciprocity with Florida, and states accepting the Florida DHS Adjuster license.
Your Insurance License offers the Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation, approved by Florida’s Department of Financial Services (DFS) under Florida Statute §626.221. Completing the CALA course allows prospective licensees to receive their Florida 70-20 license without taking the state licensing exam.
For more details, visit the Florida Department of Financial Services.
How to Obtain a Property-Casualty Adjuster Designated Home State License in Texas
Some adjusters choose Texas as their Designated Home State and obtain the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License online Property/Casualty Adjuster licensing course includes the state licensing exam, enabling candidates to fulfill Texas prelicensing requirements and pass the state exam from home. Upon course completion and passing the exam, adjusters can apply for their Texas P/C Adjuster license online, qualifying them to adjust claims in Texas and other states accepting the Texas DHS Adjuster license.
Completion Reporting
Your Insurance License will report your completion of the Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. You can also download and print an online PDF Certificate of Completion immediately after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your Tennessee Licensing Exam
Fee:single line $49
2 line $59
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Tennessee licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 617-379-0635
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your state exam you will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website.
Fingerprinting code: TN920680Z (Transaction Type – IP)
3. Apply for a Tennessee Insurance License
After passing your state licensing exam and fingerprinting, you can apply for an insurance license via the NIPR website.
For information, rules, requirements, FAQs, and applications, visit the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Tennessee insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Texas Insurance License
1.Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Texas does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
For Adjusters:
- Texas Property & Casualty Adjuster: 40 Hours
- Texas All-Lines Adjuster: 40 Hours
- Temporary licensees need a sponsoring insurance entity and must complete 40 hours of prelicensing education within 14 days of applying for the temporary license.
Education Methods:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Online Course Requirements for Adjusters:
- Forced progression: Each page must be completed before moving to the next.
- Proctor: A three-hour certification exam for the Texas Property & Casualty Adjuster course must be monitored by a disinterested third party (not related by blood, adoption, or marriage, and not an employee or subordinate).
Prelicensing Education Exemptions:
- Holders of the CLU® designation are exempt from the General Lines—Life, Accident and Health exam.
- Holders of the CPCU® designation are exempt from the General Lines—Property and Casualty exam.
- Note: License applications must be submitted within 12 months of passing the exam to avoid retaking it.
2.Pass the Texas Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $33
2 line $43
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Texas licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call (888) 754-7667.
3.Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Once you pass the state exam you will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo Website.
Fingerprinting code:11G6QF
4.Apply for a Texas Insurance License
Once you pass the state licensing exam and get fingerprinted, apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Texas insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to obtain Your Utah Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Utah does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
mandate prelicensing education, taking a structured course can be highly beneficial due to the complexity of the exam.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements: Utah does not have specific prelicensing education requirements. Despite this, we strongly recommend taking a study course to prepare for the challenging exam.
Note: This information is subject to change based on state regulations. We strive to keep our content accurate, but please consult with a legal professional for advice.
2. Pass Your Utah Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $32
2 line $44
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Utah licensing exams, preparing you to succeed..
Exam Provider: Prometric
For detailed exam information and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 888-226-8740.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
Once you pass your state exam you may now go for fingerprinting at a Prometric testing center
Please refer to page 10 of the Prometric candidate handbook.
4. Apply for a Utah Insurance License
After passing your licensing exam and getting fingerprinted, the next step is to apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
Detailed information, rules, requirements, and FAQs are available on the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Utah insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics:
A total of 24 hours of continuing education are required, of which:
12 hours must be in the classroom or classroom equivalent type courses.
No more than 12 hours may be from courses provided by insurers.
3 hours must be in ethics training, and the remaining 21 hours can be in any line of insurance.
All 24 hours must be from courses approved by the Utah Insurance Department.
Proof of completion of continuing education hours must be kept on file with the producer. The Department may conduct random audits of producers by mail to verify their CE hours.
How to Obtain Your Vermont Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Vermont does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
2. Pass the Vermont Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $50
2 line $65
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Vermont licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 800-868-6113.
3. Apply for a Vermont Insurance License
After passing the state exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For comprehensive information, rules, requirements, and to submit your application, visit the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Vermont insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Virginia Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Virginia does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements
While Virginia does not mandate prelicensing education, it is highly recommended to enroll in a study course. The exams can be challenging, and a comprehensive prep course can make a significant difference in your readiness.
Adjuster Licensing Requirements
The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available for individuals in states that do not license adjusters or for company adjusters in states that only license independent adjusters. Eligible states include CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.
How to Obtain an All-Lines Adjuster DHS License in Florida
To become an All-Lines Adjuster in Florida, many adjusters obtain the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license. This requires either a Florida-approved adjuster designation or passing the Florida All-Lines Adjuster state exam, plus fulfilling Florida’s biennial continuing education requirement.
With the 70-20 license, adjusters can work in Florida, states with adjuster reciprocity with Florida, and states that accept the Florida DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License offers the Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation, approved by Florida Statute §626.221 and the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS). Completing the CALA course grants the Florida 70-20 license without taking the state exam.
How to Obtain a Property-Casualty Adjuster DHS License in Texas
Some adjusters choose Texas as their DHS and get the Texas DHS Adjuster license. Your Insurance License online Property/Casualty Adjuster licensing course includes the state licensing exam, allowing candidates to complete their prelicensing requirements and pass the Texas P/C Adjuster exam online. After completing the course and exam, adjusters can apply for the Texas P/C Adjuster license, qualifying them to adjust in their home state and all states that accept the Texas DHS Adjuster license.
Completion Reporting
Your Insurance License will report your completion of the CALA designation to the Florida DFS within 5-7 business days. An online PDF Certificate of Completion is also available for immediate download and printing after passing the final exam.
2. Pass Your Virginia Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 lin $35
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Virginia licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: Prometric
For exam details and scheduling, visit the Prometric website or call 866-891-6396
Sponsor: Virginia department of insurance
3. Apply for a Virginia Insurance License
Once you pass the state exam you will apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For information, rules, requirements, FAQs, and the application process, visit the NIPR website.
4. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your exam and applying for your license you will schedule your fingerprinting on the fieldprint website.
Fingerprinting code: FPVABOICHRR
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Virginia insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Washington Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Although Washington does not mandate prelicensing education, enrolling in a prep course can greatly increase your chances of passing the licensing exam on the first try. Your Insurance License exam prep courses offer comprehensive coverage and preparation, helping you build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements Washington does not mandate prelicensing education. However, due to the complexity of the exams, it is highly recommended to take a study course.
2. Pass the Washington Licensing Exam
Fee: single line $35
2 line $52
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Washington licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call 855-205-5825.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your state exam you will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website.
Fingerprinting code: WA92010OZ
Fingerprinting requirements are outlined on the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner website.
4. Apply for a Washington Insurance License
After passing your licensing exam and going for fingerprinting, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For detailed information, rules, and the application process, visit the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Washington insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics
West Virginia
How to Obtain Your West Virginia Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the West Virginia insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life: 20 Hours
- Accident & Health or Sickness: 20 Hours
- Life, Accident & Health or Sickness: 40 Hours
- Property & Casualty: 40 Hours
- Personal Lines: 20 Hours
- Adjuster: No Prelicensing Education Requirement
Acceptable Education Methods:
- Classroom
- Self-study*
- Online*
*Note: The final exam for self-study and online courses must be monitored by a disinterested third party (not a relative, friend, or business associate).
Exemptions: Candidates holding certain designations, certifications, or degrees may be exempt from the exam requirement:
- Health: RHU, CEBS, REBC, HIA
- Property and Casualty: AAI, ARM, CIC, CPCU®
- All lines: College insurance degree
*Note: If not licensed within one year of passing an exam, applicants must complete prelicensing and retake the exam.
Adjuster License Requirements: All insurance adjusters must be licensed. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance for specific requirements.
2. Pass the West Virginia Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $86
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with West Virginia licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 800-274-2614
Exam Day Guidelines: Arrive 30 minutes early. Your identification will be verified, and you will be photographed for the score report.
Required Identification: Bring two forms of current signature ID. The primary ID must be government-issued with a photo and signature. Secondary ID must contain a valid signature.
Primary Identification Examples:
- Driver’s License
- U.S. Dept. of State Driver’s License
- U.S. Learner’s Permit (plastic card only)
- State-issued picture IDs
Secondary Identification Examples:
- National/State/Country ID card
- Passport
- Military ID
- U.S. Social Security Card
- Debit/Credit card
*Note: IDs must be valid and in English. Pearson VUE does not recognize grace periods for expired IDs.
Security Procedures: Personal items, including electronic devices, are not allowed in the testing room. Store them securely as directed. Studying and unauthorized materials are prohibited. Misconduct will result in dismissal and forfeiture of the exam fee.
3. Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
After passing your state exam you will schedule your fingerprinting on the Identogo website:
Fingerprinting code: 228NS5
4.Apply for a West Virginia insurance license
After passing your state exam and getting fingerprinted you can apply for your license via the NIPR website.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
West Virginia insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Get Your Wisconsin Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Before you can take the Wisconsin insurance licensing exam, you must complete a prelicensing course. These courses are designed to prepare you for the exam, and choosing a reputable provider like Your Insurance License can significantly improve your chances of passing.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements:
- Life: 12 Hours
- Accident & Health: 12 Hours
- Property: 12 Hours
- Casualty: 12 Hours
- Personal Lines P&C: 12 Hours
- Principles of Insurance, General Wisconsin Insurance Laws, and Ethics: 8 Hours
Note that once you complete the 8 hours covering general insurance principles, Wisconsin laws, and ethics, you don’t need to repeat this for each line of authority, provided all certificates are still valid. Certificates of completion are valid for one year from the course completion date.
Education Methods:
Self-Study Requirements: To earn a certificate for self-study courses, you must pass a monitored certification exam. The proctor must be a neutral third party, such as a licensed agent with no family or financial ties to you. The proctor will verify your identity and confirm you received no external assistance.
Online Course Requirements: State regulations require that you complete the entire online course before you can access the certification exam.
Prelicensing Education Exemptions:
You may be exempt from prelicensing education if you hold specific professional designations or certifications:
- Disability: RHU, CEBS, REBC, HIA
- Property or Casualty: AAI, ARM, CIC, CPCU®
Additionally, candidates with a two-year Wisconsin vocational school degree in insurance or a four-year college degree in business with an insurance focus may apply for an exemption. Proper documentation, including an official transcript if claiming a degree, must be submitted.
2.Get Fingerprinted For A Background Check
The state of Wisconsin requires fingerprinting before taking your state exam.
You will schedule your fingerprinting on the Fieldprint website.
3. Pass Your Wisconsin Licensing Exam
Fee: single or 2 line $75
After completing prelicensing education and going for fingerprinting you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Wisconsin licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PSI
exam details and scheduling, visit the PSI website or call (888) 818-5805
4.Apply for your Wisconsin Insurance license
Once you pass your licensing exam, you can apply for your insurance license via the NIPR website.
For rules, requirements, and application instructions, visit the NIPR website: NIPR Wisconsin Resident Licensing.
5. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Wisconsin insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
How to Obtain Your Wyoming Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance pre-licensing Course
Increasing your chances of passing the Wyoming insurance licensing exam can be significantly enhanced by taking an exam preparation course. Kaplan’s prep courses are designed to give you the best chance of success on your first attempt.
Prelicensing Education Hour Requirements: The state of Wyoming does not mandate prelicensing education. Despite this, the challenging nature of the exams means that enrolling in a study course is highly recommended.
Acceptable Methods of Education:
- Classroom
- Self-study
- Online
Adjuster License Requirements: All insurance adjusters in Wyoming must be licensed. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance to understand the process of obtaining an adjuster license.
2. Pass Your Wyoming Licensing Exam
Fee: single lin $96
2 line $113
After completing prelicensing education you will take the state licensing exam. Your Insurance License content aligns with Wyoming licensing exams, preparing you to succeed.
Exam Provider: PearsonVUE
For exam details and scheduling, visit the PearsonVUE website or call 866-936-7786
3. Apply for Your Wyoming Insurance License
After successfully passing your exam, you need to apply for your license via the NIPR website.
4. Complete Required Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Wyoming insurance agents must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years including 3 hours of ethics.
If you have questions regarding courses